5 email 5GB each
Extra email service
5 email 5GB each

With this package we will set up 5 email that can hold till 5GB each email! The email will use your domain! Pay only one time! No yearly bill for this email service.
Outsourced from a reliable email provider that will not consume your disk allowance.

20 email 5GB each
Special email service
20 email 5GB each

With this package we will set up 20 email that can hold till 5GB each email! The email will use your domain but not your disk allowance! Pay only one time! No yearly bill for this email service.

50 email 10GB each!
Email service 10GB
50 email 10GB each!

Really the best offer for email set up service. With this package we will set up 50 email that can hold till 10GB each email! The email will use your domain but not your disk allowance! Pay only one time! No yearly bill for this email service

OpenXchange cloud email
Email service
OpenXchange email

With this package we will set up 3 email that can hold till 3GB each email with Open Xchange cloud email. The email will use your domain (but not your disk allowance)! Any extra email Open Xchange @ 250 baht per year.

Setup Google email G Suite
G Suite
G Suit Google App email

With this package we will set up G Suite (Gmail app for work) 1 email that can hold till 30GB and follow up the payments. Any extra email add the same price. The price is a yearly bill.